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Start with Breakfast

Benefit Breakfast
Breakfast  is important to do. 
The reason is because during sleep for approximately 8 hours of our bodies there is no food that enters the body, while activities such as breathing, moving or other light activity is still running. As a result, sugar levels in the body is very low. While the morning of physical activity began to walk, like to travel to the office, thinking or concentration need to be able to perform activities well. All this requires energy and the energy obtained from food eaten.

By eating good food, will make the body feel full and will evoke the spirit to perform the activity. 
You will not feel sluggish or preoccupied by a hungry stomach. A healthy breakfast can help lower cholesterol levels. Emotionally, breakfast can be a gathering place for all family members, telling each other, communicate and get closer emotionally. This is a good thing to create a harmonious family.

Why Not Breakfast?
However, although aware of the importance of breakfast. 
There are people who feel reluctant to do so for several reasons. For example:

Pressed for time, so as not to be late arriving at the office, someone skip breakfast or just drink milk or coffee for breakfast.To overcome this problem, you should get up earlier. 
In order not to feel sleepy when you wake in the morning, you have to sleep early.Discipline yourself not to be tempted to watch TV or surf that can keep us awake late into the night.
Fear of fat. 
Reducing the entry of food rations in the morning can make you look slim. This opinion is wrong because even without breakfast, calories eaten can be more. Without breakfast, your metabolism and burning fat in the body so that your appetite will be reduced lunch will increase. The body feels hungry can make you look so calorie snacks are included in the body increases.
Not used, feel nauseous or stomach pain when eating in the morning. 

You must instill in the mind to seriously get used to breakfast to stay healthy. Try not to breakfast immediately after waking up but given the lag time between 1-2 hours after waking you just ate breakfast. Another thing you can do is to not spend lengsung breakfast, but split them up into several small portions that can be eaten all morning. Make sure the packaging is not damaged which can cause food to be broken.
Bored or do not desire to eat breakfast. 
The solution is to create a varied breakfast menu is not just fried rice, bread jam, scrambled eggs or other menus are just that-that's all. Indeed, this is not easy, because maybe you are working, you can be late to the office when the need to prepare food that bothered. But you can try to prepare food for breakfast at night. The next day, you just finish cooking the food that will save you time. By providing more time, benefits to be more responses.
Breakfast Menu
Breakfast is done every day. 
However, if the menu you have a healthy breakfast? The number of calories that should be included in the body when breakfast is as much as 300-400 calories.Recommended food for breakfast is nutritionally adequate menu, the menu according to the "Healthy Five Four Perfect", the 3 of them are composed of carbohydrates, protein, milk, cereal.Another option is to drink fruit juice, 2 large servings of fruit, milk or low fat milk.
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