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When the Breath of Children Suddenly Let Out a Sound

If your toddler suddenly hard to breathe and breath sounds, parents will be very anxious and panicky. These conditions are not only worried about the elderly but also frightening for the child. Judging from the sound of his breathing could be concluded the child was suffering from Asthma.

Asthma is a respiratory disease characterized by three things: shrinking of the airways, swelling of the mucous membranes of the airways, and excessive mucus discharge. These three things cause airway constriction. Thus causing the child to feel cramped and the sound of exhaling, the sound is referred to as Wheezing or. Usually always accompanied by a cough. Prolonged tightness will lead to a bluish color around the mouth due to caused by lack of oxygen.

Actually symptoms of asthma are not always shortness of breath, mild Asthma can be seen as a cough, but cough is typical of periodic, variation, and reversible. Periodically at specific times such as the onset of the rainy season, at night, eating certain foods, or when stressed.
Variation that is often present at night while the afternoon there are no symptoms.
Meaning can be lost reversibly occur with or without treatment.
Usually there is a family history of asthma or allergies. This is a genetic factor.

Factor triggers.
is a factor which facilitates the onset of asthma. Especially when there are genetic factors trigger factors are more easily arise. What are the precipitating factors are often the cause.
Several factors trigger asthma:
Especially that hairy beast (so you should not keep animals).
Physical activity is sports or run.
Chemical spray.
Flower pollen.
Temperature changes.
Viral infections like the flu.
House dust mites.
Smoke, especially cigarette smoke.
Drug (aspirin).
Emotional or psychological problems.
Certain foods, such as chocolate, ice, nuts, snacks children (due to preservatives, dyes, flavoring or seasoning may play a role too)

So, parents should try to identify the originator of asthma in children. If not successful, sometimes allergy test required.

In addition to avoiding trigger factors above, the treatment of asthma aims to widen the airway, reduces swelling, and thin the mucus.
Divided into reliever medication (given at the time of the attacks of shortness of breath) and treatment for the control (given every day even though there is no aim to prevent asthma attacks).
Reliever medication can be a syrup, tablet or suction. Usually from the class of beta-agonist is salbutamol, terbutaline, etc.. Can also corticosteroid drug class is methyl prednisolone (relatively safe), prednisone, triamcinolone, etc.. Careful long-term corticosteroid use can cause water retention, so that children become fat and round face (full moon face) and impaired bone growth.
For controllers are usually a mixture of corticosteroids and beta-agonist with a long service life for example a mixture of fluticasone and salmeterol, or a mixture of budesonide and formoterol.

When the medication, shortness of not subside or even increased tightness immediately take the child to the nearest hospital or doctor, because of lack of oxygen can be dangerous.
Tag : Asthma
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